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Marcin Zdunik

FRYDERYK Prizes 2024

  for the album "Polish Music for Cello and Orchestra"


Polish cellist, soloist and chamber musician. His repertoire ranges from renaissance to contemporary music, he improvises, composes and performs his own arrangements.
Marcin Zdunik has been invited to perform at prestigious festivals – The BBC Proms Festival in London, Progetto Martha Argerich in Lugano and Chopin and his Europe in Warsaw.

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Upcoming events

  • Buffalo (USA) - 20 February, 2025 18:00

    BPO Clement House

    solo recital

    • Witold Lutosławski - Wariacja Sacherowska
    • Pawel Szymanski - Kalejdoskop
    • Marcin Zdunik - Passacaglia for solo cello
    • Krzysztof Penderecki - Per Slava
    • Marcin Zdunik - Improvisations on themes from the music of Henryk Wieniawski
    • Marcin Zdunik - Improvisations on themes from the music of Witold Lutosławski
    • Marcin Zdunik - Improvisations on themes from the music of Fryderyk Chopin
  • Buffalo, NY, United States - 21 February, 2025 10:30

    Kleinhans Music Hall,

    with Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra,

    cond.  JoAnn Falletta

    • Peter Tchaikovsky - Wariacje na temat Rokoko op. 33
  • Buffalo, NY, United States - 22 February, 2025 19:30

    Kleinhans Music Hall,

    with Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra,

    cond.  JoAnn Falletta

    • Peter Tchaikovsky - Wariacje na temat Rokoko op. 33





Stunning instrumental technique, virtuoso charm and admirable diversity of interests distinguish this young artist.
Adam Suprynowicz
Paszporty Polityki 2009
Dębicz and Zdunik’s sensitive Bach chorale transcriptions have been punctuated with their own improvisatory responses to them, and the emotional and stylistic directions these have taken often carry us off to surprisingly profound new musical waters
Charlotte Gardner
The final concert aroused the strongest emotions, presenting a great 20th-century repertoire. The evening, and perhaps the whole festival culminated in the performance of The Protecting Veil by John Tavener, featuring young, outstanding cellist Marcin Zdunik as a soloist. His instrumental singing depicting the tears of Mary (...) had a real artistic and spiritual depth.
Monika Partyk
Ruch Muzyczny 10/2014
(...) fantastic cellist Marcin Zdunik evoked the greatest admiration
Józef Kański
Ruch Muzyczny 10/2014
18-year old Pole Marcin Zdunik fully charmed the audience at the prizewinners concert. With Luigi Boccherini's Sonata he celebrated a firework of virtuosity, projecting a beautiful, warm and tender sound. He is a poet of the cello.
E. von Reinhold
(...) the most beautifully singing cello by Marcin Zdunik stood out, which made many episodes of the Concerto appear in a completely new light. Zdunik is undoubtedly one of the greatest talents among our young cellists (...)
Józef Kański
Ruch Muzyczny, 12.07.2009
Marcin Zdunik's version of the Paganini Caprices 13-24 for violin and cello is sensational: an independent, witty and equally virtuosic cello part turns the supposedly well-known pieces into a completely new, impressive musical experience:
Stringtime NiederRhein, August 2007
He treated his instrument as a medium capable of expressing the dramatic complexity of the musical and human world.
Małgorzata Komorowska
Ruch Muzyczny
His interpretations were always rhetorically refined, with perfect intonation. Fascinating is how easily he realizes his musical ideas, how luminously and tenderly can he cooperate with his cello.
Dominik Połoński
Ruch Muzyczny, 2007
Marcin Zdunik surely deserves the prize for the most beautiful sound in Tchaikovsky's Rococo Variations, as well as that for the greatest sound fantasy, deep musical maturity and superb technique.
Julia Gaß
Ruhr Nachrichen 13. 10.2008
Young cellist with phenomenal sensitivity, musical imagination and technical abilities. He is not merely a performer, but a creative artist, presenting frequently his own, masterful transcriptions and compositions (splendid arrangement of Paganini's Caprices, Bach Violin Sonatas and M.Ravel's pieces). Winner of many international competitions and a star of concert halls around the world. His playing is full of beauty, wisdom, and - what is he most important - truth.
Adrianna Ginał
Paszporty Polityki 2009
Both the performance and the arrangement of Paganini's 15 Caprices (no. 9-24) deserves an applause. Marcin Zdunik turned out to be not only a superb virtuoso of the cello, but also an equally sensitive composer with unlimited creativity. His Paganini Caprices are sometimes completely new compositions (...)
Stanisław Olędzki
Ruch Muzyczny, February 2008